Darf man nicht alles glauben, was über Neapel in Liedern gesagt wird?
2016-01-25 11:28:43 UTC
Santa Lucia:

Tu sei l´impero dell´armonia

-> Du bist das Reich der Harmonie

O mia bella Napoli:

Wo blütenschwere Düfte weh´n
Sieben antworten:
2016-01-25 11:31:48 UTC
Das Reich der Harmonie...und der Camorra. Die "blütenschweren Düfte" könnten von den illegalen Mülldeponien herübergeweht kommen.
2016-01-25 12:50:34 UTC
Na, sagen wir mal so: das mittlerweile 167 Jahre alte Santa-Lucia-Lied beschreibt den IST-Zustand dieses kleinen Hafens am Golf zu dieser Zeit; icht den heutigen - ist als durchaus glaubwuerdig.

Was Neapel betrifft, ist es - wenn es auch gelitten hat - nach wie vor eine faszinierende Stadt und als 1936 der deutsche Komponist Gerhard Winkler den Titel "La mia bella Napoli" herausbrachte u. dieser ein Hit wurde, entsprach das angepriesene Ambiente durchaus dem Liedtext.

Die Veraenderungen in dieser wunderschoenen, geschichtstraechtigen Stadt innerhalb der letzten 80 Jahre haben ihr natuerlich zugesetzt; nicht anders als dies in Deutschland passiert ist. Der einzige Unterschied: in den meisten Faellen bleibt fuer Deutschlands Staedte nicht einmal ein Lied uebrig, welches ihre einstige Schoenheit besingt.
2016-01-29 11:18:40 UTC
Darf man nicht alles glauben, was über Neapel in Liedern gesagt wird? (666 times 3)+(6 times 3) = 2016. Jews want war between Russia and Germany from June to October. Tube people = demons. Clones = demons. Human costumes that demons wear = demons. Dinosaurs and 666ed people have triple stranded DNA. Demons live inside clones. Bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin (who discovered Bubonic plague) is depicted on the Shroud of Turin. There is another shroud on which blasphemer Yosef (who was crucified on a pole in 1066 AD) is depicted. WW3 happens; 7% of people will be left; after people are tired of war, they will elect the antichrist as one world leader; don't vote. ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Next false flag: Statue of Liberty. Move away from coasts as nukes will go off in the ocean (at where tectonic plates meet; result: megatsunamis 1km high). Earth is flat; stands on 3 pillars (the Most Holy Trinity); pillars stand on water at zero Kelvin. Zodiac is planetary prison of demons; don't believe in horoscopes or you'll exhibit the traits of the trapped demons. Most thoughts and dreams are from demons; demons never do good. Sleep fully clothed; pray the Jesus prayer. Pray to your guardian angel to have normal sleep. Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov was the last prophet before Enoch and Elijah return to preach against the antichrist. According to Ruski Orthodox Christian Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov: Humans were created about 7525 years ago.

Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves. Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will come out of Volga River in Russia. Demons grow human skin (from a sample taken during abduction) and put it on so as to look like us. Demons will invite people to be healed inside their UFOs; those who go will be like zombies after. Gov't provides demons with diamonds and allows demons to abduct people. If you're being abducted, slowly pray the Jesus prayer.

Don't panic. Demons use diamonds and souls to power their UFO craft. The bigger the diamond, the more it lasts. Demons have 4 UFO bases: 1)Moon 2)Inside fake mountain Kailash in Tibet 3)In lake Baikal in Russia 4)In Atlantis which is underneath the Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean. There are no aliens. Nobody lives on other planets. Airplanes that go down are hit by demons because they need the airspace to fight Jesus. Antichrist is pale with red eyes. He's possessed by Satan since he's 12 years old. He flies. He wears gloves to hide long nails. He's surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light.

Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons. 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive small plastic grey card with no name on it (World Passport). Police will microchip and isotope ray people on highways. Food stores will isotope ray people too. Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost. If you're about to be marked, pray the Jesus prayer. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666; leave all electronics behind so that antichrist's minions can't track you. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from hell twice a year (or brings them up a level, that is, to a level with less punishment; eventually, people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from hell. Forgive me.
2016-01-25 21:11:04 UTC
ja das ist richtig
2016-01-25 12:18:34 UTC
Ich möchte mich dann mal der Aussage von Julia anschließen.

Die Umgebung ist höchst interessant und sehr schön, aber Neapel selbst eher nicht.
2016-01-25 12:10:04 UTC
Ich finde Neapel schmutzig und nicht so toll
2016-01-25 12:03:59 UTC
Ich finde, Neapel ist eine tolle und absolut sehenswerte Stadt, auch wenn dort eine hohe Arbeitslosigkeit und aufgrund der schlechten Infrastruktur jeden Tag Verkehrschaos herrscht.

Dieser Inhalt wurde ursprünglich auf Y! Answers veröffentlicht, einer Q&A-Website, die 2021 eingestellt wurde.